How Can I Help?

MP Newsletter 0611

Prices are beginning to stabilize in the real estate market. Magnolia Pointe has few scraps and bruises, but overall has faired well through these challenging times. A recent Yahoo! Finance article discussed some of the biggest effects on property values. Some were obvious like having a power plant or landfill close by. Others may be less obvious, but can affect the value by up to almost 30%.

Closed Schools, Sex Offenders, Delinquent Bill Payers, Foreclosed Homes, and Lackluster Landscaping all made the list. A recent study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology concludes that a neighbor’s foreclosed home can slash the value of homes in the area by an average of 27%. Studies show that lawn care has a big impact on surrounding home values as well. Virginia Tech University released a report stating that pristine landscaping can jack up the value of a home by 5% to 10%.

So – How Can I Help? – Get involved and engaged with neighbors. If someone is having a tough time, and several neighbors pitch in to help mow a lawn – it helps. Perhaps you know a neighbor that has the ability to do something, but just isn’t – talk to them and offer encouragement to help make our community the example for others to follow. If there is a spot in a neighbor’s yard that is not getting water and you happen to be hosing down the roses, give it a quick squirt to help it revive in this heat.

An engaged neighborhood is the best defense against poor neighbors. If we make it clear that the behavior is not acceptable here, then we have the power to change it. Go to a HOA meeting, Master or Neighborhood, make your voice heard, and be sure to bring a solution.

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