From the MP Custom Association

Aren’t we glad to receive the rain from Tropical Storm Debby that will hopefully allow our lakes in the beautiful area we live in to reach healthy levels? If you are like me, the rain brings a time of movies, books and game time with the family. But now the storm is passing, I am also very glad to be able to get out and enjoy the pool and see the fountain every day. We might be in a rush to get from place to place, but I hope you can enjoy the amenities and neighbors along the way. I have been challenged by a consultant to see the positive at the start of every day, and it has paid significant dividends in my mindset and attitude. I encourage you to do the same as we choose kindness and compassion towards our neighbors and others around us.
As a board, we want to remind you that our job is not to make you miserable living in this beautiful neighborhood, but to be cognizant of the standards that everyone agreed to when we moved in. A couple of key reminders:
• Please ensure you close the umbrellas when leaving the pool area (Tropical Storm Debby reminded us of this one!)
• Parking on the streets overnight is potentially not safe for neighbors who might be in need of emergency assistance.
• Please remind your children to utilize the sidewalks and not pass through neighbors’ yards without permission.
• On trash days, please be sure your garbage cans/recycle bins are not put out before 6 p.m. the night before, and are put up by 10 p.m. the evening of collection, and the garbage cans are covered.
• Out of consideration for everyone and in accordance to our policy, please pick up after your dog(s).
We hope that if you have ideas concerning the neighborhood and improvements, you will gladly provide them to me or come to the next Board meeting on July 11th at 6pm. We are always looking for additional people to serve as well.
Until next time ~ Lance Sewell

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